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Endotine® Lifts in Santa Monica, CA

The expressiveness of the eyes and forehead often leads these areas to develop early wrinkling and sagging, so it’s no wonder many of our Santa Monica patients consider eyelid surgery and brow lifts before other facial surgeries.

The availability of less invasive surgical options like the Endotine® Lift makes treatment even more attractive to those who want to address signs of aging in the upper face.

Dr. Butler offers the Endotine® Lift to correct eyelid sagging and forehead drooping in Santa Monica, California. This treatment is perfect for those who want to blend effectiveness, cost, and reduced downtime with the combined benefits of a brow lift and upper eyelid surgery.

Our renowned double board-certified plastic surgeon also offers the Silhouette Lift®. This non-surgical facelift alternative can provide enhanced facial volume and firmness for up to two years and is an excellent complement to the Endotine® Lift.

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What Can an Endotine® Lift Achieve?


Reduce and Tighten Upper Eyelid Skin

The Endotine® Lift can accomplish similar results to eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) for a more alert, attentive, and younger-looking appearance without the invasiveness of more traditional plastic surgery options.

This procedure can even improve vision that has been obscured by droopy eyelids.


Lift a Sagging Forehead and Brow

The Endotine® Lift can smooth the forehead and raise the brow without requiring a full surgical brow lift incision.

This option provides patients the benefit of an elevated brow line without the invasiveness and scarring of a conventional brow lift.


Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation

The Endotine® Lift can be combined with the Silhouette InstaLift®, another minimally invasive facial procedure that addresses the cheek and mouth areas.

Add the Endotine® Lift to our endoscopic mid-face lift for even more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Renowned artist Gifted Plastic surgeon

Contact Dr. Butler and schedule your consultation.

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close up of a woman's hazel eye

How Will My Endotine® Lift Be Performed?


As with most cosmetic procedures, an Endotine® Lift requires a consultation and examination. Dr. Butler will listen carefully to your cosmetic concerns and ultimate goals, review your medical history, and explain your options to achieve your desired results.

Before the end of your consultation, our team will provide you with an accurate cost estimate, and if you choose to move forward, your procedure can be scheduled. Depending on the facial rejuvenation options you choose, there will be some pre-operative tests to complete before your surgery.

Endotine® Lift Procedure

The Endotine® Lift improves the appearance of the upper eyelids by tightening these tissues through small incisions made within the crease of the upper eyelid (just like a traditional upper blepharoplasty). Excess skin and fat pockets are removed, and the upper eyelids are repositioned if needed.

Small incisions are placed within the hairline above the forehead to adjust the brow and forehead. Sagging forehead tissue and eyebrows are then modified with fixed dissolvable support devices made from biological material. These are gradually replaced by your body’s own connective tissue.

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia and typically takes one to two hours on an outpatient basis.

When Combined With a Mid-face or Silhouette InstaLift®

When adding an Endotine® mid-face lift, the dissolvable biological device is inserted through an incision hidden behind the hairline near the temples. Volume can be added to the cheeks, while the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and creases between the mouth and cheeks is improved.

The Silhouette Lift® is a non-surgical facelift option (for qualifying candidates) that uses biodegradable threads (micro-cones) to adjust facial contours and can be performed with local anesthesia.

These threads are inserted under the skin and target the mid-face area, tightening, securing, and supporting multiple layers of skin while promoting collagen production, a protein found in your skin that helps keep it tight and firm.

What Are Your Concerns?


Frequently Asked Questions

Am I the right candidate for an Endotine® Lift?

People looking for significant facial rejuvenation without a full surgical procedure are good candidates for minimally invasive facial treatments.

An Endotine® Lift is ideal for patients with mild to moderate forehead laxity and eyelid drooping.

Those with significant sagging and deep-set wrinkles may be better suited for treatment with a traditional eyelid, brow lift, or facelift surgery.

Prospective patients should be in good health and have realistic expectations of their results.

Can I combine my Endotine® Lift with surgical cosmetic procedures?

Yes. Minimally invasive facial treatments can be combined with liposuction of the neck or a neck lift for additional cosmetic facial improvement.

How Much is an Endotine® Lift in Santa Monica, CA?

The cost of an Endotine® Lift can vary depending on your aesthetic goals and the extent of your facial aging.

Dr. Butler offers a personalized quote for your procedure during your consultation after he determines the extent of the treatment needed to achieve your goals.

What are the side effects of Endotine® Lifts?

Endotine® Lifts can cause minor side effects during recovery, such as swelling and irritation. Most patients find these side effects rare, temporary, and well worth the benefits provided.

Complications can occur whenever an incision is made as part of a surgical procedure (even a minimally invasive one). These risks are low but cannot be entirely discounted and may include pain, unfavorable scarring, and infection.

Most patients are delighted with the results of their Endotine® Lift. If you are unsatisfied with your appearance following your procedure, please wait six months before considering a revision.

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2001 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 890W
Santa Monica, CA 90404

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(310) 428-0033