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Is Instagram Changing Beauty Standards and Plastic Surgery?

Posted January 17, 2020 in Nonsurgical Rejuvenation


Woman looking at herself on Instagram.3 Min Read

It has been identified by the American Academy of Facial and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) as the “selfie awareness” trend: more and more people are turning to plastic surgery to improve their physical appearance on social media.

How Are Millennials Contributing to Plastic Surgery?

Over the past five years, the plastic surgery industry has produced record numbers, and it is, in part, thanks to millennials. Approximately 72 percent of plastic surgeons have reported an increase in patients under the age of 30, and the number of cosmetic procedures performed on millennials has nearly doubled.

Two factors are driving this boom: an obsession with self-care and social media. The extensive importance millennials put on self-care serves as a justification for any plastic surgery work. And, after growing up with social media, millennials have an overwhelming pressure to look their best in a way that previous generations did not experience.

What Are the Most Popular Surgeries Among Social Media Users?

While surgeons are seeing increases in cosmetic procedures across the board, here are specific surgeries that are ranking as the top requested among young people today:

What Is the “Instagram” Face?

Have you noticed that more and more models and influencers are starting to look alike?

The focal point for most millennials is the face. This is, of course, the center of selfies and most social media success.

So, how are people achieving the perfect “Instagram face?” In many cases, the answer is cosmetic treatments and surgery.

Many young clients are trying to permanently achieve the look they have when they apply a filter on themselves. A shocking 55 percent of patients have shown their plastic surgeon a touched-up selfie when discussing their treatment goals.

Cheek enhancement, BOTOX® Cosmetic, the Silhouette® Lift, or InstaLift™, and rhinoplasty are all common requests among social media users looking for defined cheekbones, angular contours, and youthful-looking skin.

Is This a New Phenomena?

Throughout history, there has always been an “ideal” look of the time. During the Renaissance, women that were voluptuous and pale were idolized. In the roaring 1920s, women were obsessed with having round face, round eyes, and very small round, red lips.  In the 1990s, Kate Moss brought around “heroin chic,” the shockingly thin aesthetic for the female body.

The Instagram face is simply the newest craze.

Should I Consult a Professional?

Millennials often regard plastic surgery to be preventative treatments, and they are not wrong. These procedures, when performed correctly, may postpone the aging process and ensure that your Instagram-ready face stays that way.

Plastic surgery is a serious investment and should always be conducted by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The right doctor will be able to advise you on what procedures may look best on you while making sure that you are emotionally prepared for the changes.

Are You Interested in Learning More?

When it comes to your face, you do not want to take any risks. Dr. David Butler is among the most trusted facial plastic surgeons in Santa Monica. Call us today at (310) 428-0033 to set up a consultation. Also, follow us on Instagram @Butlerfacialplasticsurgery for before and after pictures.  

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